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Smothing Exfoliator + Protecting Day Lotion

Smothing Exfoliator + Protecting Day Lotion
🇵🇹 🌞✨ Faz brilhar a tua pele com a nossa dupla vencedora: o Protecting Day Lotion SPF 20 e o Smoothing Exfoliator da Forever Living Products! 💫
A nossa Protecting Day Lotion SPF 20 é a aliada perfeita para uma pele protegida e hidratada durante todo o dia. Com o seu protetor solar SPF 20 e alto teor de Aloe, ela nutre e acalma a tua pele, preservando-a dos raios UV prejudiciais. Desfruta do sol com tranquilidade!
Completa a tua rotina com o Smoothing Exfoliator, um esfoliante suave e eficaz. Graças às suas finas partículas esfoliantes naturais, ele remove delicadamente as impurezas e as células mortas, revelando uma pele suave, fresca e radiante.
🇬🇧 🌞✨ Make your skin shine with our winning duo: Protecting Day Lotion SPF 20 and Smoothing Exfoliator from Forever Living Products! 🧴💫
Our Protecting Day Lotion SPF 20 is the perfect ally to protect and hydrate your skin all day long. With its SPF 20 sun protection and high Aloe content, it nourishes and soothes your skin while safeguarding it from harmful UV rays. Enjoy the sun with peace of mind!
Complete your routine with the Smoothing Exfoliator, a gentle and effective exfoliant. Thanks to its fine natural exfoliating particles, it will gently remove impurities and dead cells, revealing smooth, fresh, and radiant skin.
🇫🇷 ✨ Fais briller ta peau avec notre duo gagnant : Protecting Day Lotion SPF 20 et Smoothing Exfoliator de Forever Living Products ! 💫
Protecting Day Lotion SPF 20 est l’alliée parfaite pour une peau protégée et hydratée toute la journée. Avec sa protection solaire SPF 20 et sa forte teneur en Aloe, elle nourrit et apaise ta peau tout en la préservant des rayons UV néfastes. Profite du soleil en toute sérénité !
Complète ta routine avec Smoothing Exfoliator, un exfoliant doux et efficace. Grâce à ses fines particules exfoliantes naturelles, il élimine en douceur les impuretés et les cellules mortes, révélant une peau lisse, fraîche et éclatante.

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